Our purpose

Tō mātou kaupapa

Improving the holistic well-being of our people.
Ko te orangatonutanga arā Oranga Tinana, Oranga Hinengaro, Oranga Wairua e whai kaha ai te Māori ki waenganui i ngā tāngata katoa.

History of the Trust

Ngā tātai kōrero mō Te Kāhui Kaitiaki

Tīhei Mauri Ora!
Ko te kaupapa o Tūhoe Hauora ko te orangatonutanga o ngā tāngata o te rohe o Tūhoe me ngā rohe e noho pātata ana. E mārama ana te Poari ki ngā whakahaere me ngā mahi tae atu ki ngā rerekētanga me pēhea hoki te mahi tahi kia pai ai te taha whakahaere. Ko tā Te Mana Hautū, a Pania Hetet he ārahi i tana rōpū, ko tā te Poari he tautoko i te taha whakatakoto rautaki hei hāpai ake i ngā ratonga ki ngā tāngata me te hāpori.

Tuatahi, ko te mea nui ki a Tūhoe Hauora ko te tangata. Kei runga ake ko te orangatonutanga o te whānau, o te tangata. Ahakoa haere te wā ka mau kaha tonu mātou ki ō mātou mātāpono, ki tō mātou kaupapa me a mātou tikanga, mā te manaaki, mā te pono, mā te tū maia e whai māramatanga ai mātou ki ngā tāngata ahakoa te taipakeke, te momo tuakiri, te whanaungatanga rānei. He Ratonga Hauora me Te Hāpori mātou e tautoko ana i a Tūhoe me te hāpori whānui.

E whai kaha ana mātou ki te hāpai ake i te rangatiratanga, te ngākau pai, te whai whakaaro nui, te manaakitanga me te pono i roto i ngā mahi katoa. Mā Te Tiriti o Waitangi e āwhina i a mātou kia taumata tiketike te ahurea kia pai ai tā mātou whai wāhi, mahi tahi me te tiaki i tō mātou iwi.Ko te tangata tuatahi...

"Kia ora tātau katoa"

Finney Davis
Tūhoe Hauora is about holistic well-being for all people who reside in the rohe of Tūhoe and surrounding districts. The Board understands governance and operations and recognises their differences and importance of an integrated approach in order to govern. Our Chief Executive Officer, Pania Hetet leads her team and the Board provides support on strategic matters to enhance the delivery of our services to our people and the community.

Tūhoe Hauora is about people first… The well-being of a person, of a whānau, of a people is paramount. As we evolve, our values, kaupapa and tikanga remain strong, with respect, integrity, dignity and understanding regardless of age, gender or relationship. We are a Health and Social Services Provider who provide support to Tūhoe and also the wider community.

We encourage leadership, positivity, sensitivity, respect and integrity in everything we do. Te Tiriti o Waitangi helps us to measure our own cultural quality in how we participate, partner up with and also protect our people. People first…

“Kia ora tātau katoa”

Finney Davis
Te Tiamana o te Poari

Mission & Values

Te Kaupapa Matua me Ngā Uara

Tihei Mauri Ora!
Kaupapa Matua
Improving the holistic wellbeing of Tūhoe Iwi and those people residing in the surrounding districts.
Te hāpai ake i te orangatonutanga o Tūhoe Iwi me ngā tāngata e noho pātata ana ki te rohe.
Ngā Uara

Our Strategic Goals
O Tatou Whainga Rautaki
E whā (4) ngā tino whāinga rautaki o Tūhoe Hauora mō ngā tau e rima (5) e tū mai nei hei āwhina i a Tūhoe Hauora ki te whakatutuki i ngā wāhanga kua whakarārangitia mai.
Tūhoe Hauora has four (4) key strategic goals for the next five (5) years that will assist Tūhoe Hauora to achieve the key focus areas as outlined.
1. Kia whai wāhi atu ki te Mana Motuhake o ngā apataki;
2. Te whakawhanake ake i ngā āheitanga whakahaere kia noho hei ratonga kaupapa Māori whakahirahira;
3. Te whakahoahoa mahi tahi me ētahi atu rōpū;
4. Kia eke ngā whakatutukitanga here. Ia whāinga rautaki he whāinga matua ōna, he putanga hoki.
1. Contribute to the Mana Motuhake of consumers;
2. Create organisational capacity as a quality kaupapa Māori service;
3. Build collaborative relationships with other organisations;
4. Meet our accountability requirements. Each strategic goal has key objectives and outcomes.

Management & Accreditation

Ngā Kaiwhakahaere & Whakamanatanga

Ko Pania Hetet te Mana Hautū o Tūhoe Hauora. I tēnei wā 40+ ngā kaimahi e mahi ana puta noa i te rohe o Te Moana ā-Toi.
Pania Hetet is the Chief Executive Officer of Tūhoe Hauora. She currently has a team of 40+ staff who work throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

Kei waenganui i a Tūhoe Hauora te whakamanatanga DAA Rōpū Whai wāhi 6 me te Whakamanatanga Taumata 2 o te Rāngai Hāpori, e whakaatu ana i te whakatutukitanga o te rōpū whakahaere i ngā paerewa me ngā here kia taumata tiketike ai ngā mahi me ngā āheitanga e pā ana ki ngā mahi ratonga.
Tūhoe Hauora have DAA Group Equip 6 accreditation and Social Sector Accreditation Level 2, recognising the organisation meets standards and requirements to deliver services to a high level of performance and competency.